Announcement: The Japanese Canadian Histories in Southern Alberta: Time Map, Audio Journey, Memory Booth collaborative project between Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden and the Nikkei Memory Capture Project (NMCP) was shortlisted for the 2023 Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Community Programming. Sponsored by the National History Society, the Governor’s General award recognizes community organizations from across Canada for their exceptional work in the field of Canadian community programming. See

Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Shannon Ingram, Simon Lyon, Elaine Toth, Carly Adams, Darren J Aoki (2023). “Teaching and Learning Through the Nikkei Memory Capture Project.” Alberta History, 70, no. 4: 13-25.
Darren J Aoki, (2023) “Traces of an Imperial Japanese Imaginary: Positioning the Japanese & Okinawan Settlements of Southern Alberta, Canada, 1910s-1930s,” Asia-Pacific Journal – Japan Focus, 21, no. 10, issue 7. Link
Darren J Aoki and Carly Adams (2023). “Of Ice Cream, Potatoes, and Kimono-Clad Japanese Women: Forgetting and Remembering the Japanese Racialization of Lethbridge’s Sensuous Geographies.” In Hodes C, Bonifacio G (Ed.), Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-Racist Activism for Change. Canada: University of Athabasca Press. Link
Carly Adams and Darren J. Aoki (2020) “‘Hey, Why Don’t We Have a Bonspiel?’Narrating Postwar Japanese Canadian Experiences in Southern Alberta through Oral Histories of Curling.” The International Journal of the History of Sport 37, no. 16: 1715-1733. Runner-Up 2020 IJHS Best Article Prize Link
Darren J Aoki (2020) “Remembering ‘The English’in four ‘memory moment’portraits: navigating anti-Japanese discrimination and postcolonial ambiguity in mid-twentieth century Alberta, Canada.” Rethinking History 24, no. 1: 29-55. Link
Darren J Aoki (2019) “Assimilation—On (not) turning White: Memory and the narration of the postwar history of Japanese Canadians in Southern Alberta.” Journal of Canadian Studies 53, no. 2: 238-269. Link
Research Grants
SSHRC Insight, Transforming Canadian Nikkei: Co-Creating Histories of Southern Alberta, 1950 to the Twenty-First Century (2019-2025)